Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris Simak UI
Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris Simak UI – Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris SIMAK UI adalah tes yang digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen dalam seleksi masuk program Sarjana (S1) di Universitas Indonesia (UI). SIMAK UI merupakan sistem seleksi masuk yang digunakan oleh UI untuk memilih calon mahasiswa baru. Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bagian dari tes yang harus diikuti oleh para calon mahasiswa.
Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris SIMAK UI dirancang untuk menguji kemampuan calon mahasiswa dalam aspek bahasa Inggris, seperti pemahaman bacaan, kosakata, tata bahasa, dan kemampuan menulis. Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi potensi akademik dan kemampuan bahasa Inggris calon mahasiswa agar dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan belajar yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris di UI.
Tes TPA Bahasa Inggris SIMAK UI mungkin melibatkan jenis pertanyaan seperti pemahaman bacaan dan pertanyaan terkait isi bacaan, pengisian kata kosong dalam kalimat, identifikasi kesalahan tata bahasa, pemilihan kata yang tepat, dan kemampuan menulis esai.
Materi TPA Simak UI
Dikutip dari Instagram Universitas Indonesia, berikut ini ketentuan ujiannya.
Subtest TPA
- Kemampuan verbal (30 menit)
- Kemampuan Kuantitatif (50 menit)
- Kemampuan logika (40 menit)
Subtest Bahasa Inggris
- Structure and written expression (30 menit)
- Vocabulary and reading comprehension (60 menit).
Login ujian akan dibuka 15 menit sebelum waktu mulai ujian. Muat ulang (refresh) halaman jika belum menampilkan laman login.
Selain ujian TPA dan Bahasa Inggris, beberapa program studi memiliki seleksi kekhususan program studi berupa wawancara dan ujian kekhususan lainnya sesuai dengan informasi yang tertera pada persyaratan program studi untuk masing-masing program pendidikan di https://penerimaan.ui.ac.id.
Perangkat Ujian
- Laptop dengan kamera.
- Komputer desktop dengan webcam.
- Tablet.
- HP (landscape/horizontal) dengan resolusi minimal 1280/720 Pastikan perangkat ujian yang digunakan memiliki kamera yang berfungsi dengan baik dan menghadap peserta ujian.
- Browser Mozilla Firefox.
- Browser Google Chrome versi stabel terbaru
- Menggunakan browser selain Firefox dan Chrome atau versi browser yang lebih rendah tidak didukung.
- Nonaktifkan aplikasi, extensions, dan add-ons yang terpasang pada browser.
- Pastikan waktu pada perangkat sudah sesuai dengan waktu yang sebenarnya (atur tanggal dan jam pada perangkat).
Peraturan Pelaksanan Ujian
- Peserta telah mengunduh kartu ujian dan mengetahui nomor ujan, jadwal ujian, dan alamat website ujian yang tertera di kartu ujian.
- Menyiapkan alat ujian dan kertas kosong untuk coretan soal hitung
- Peserta memakai pakaian rapih
- Peserta mengakses halaman https://ujiansimak.ui.ac.id sesuai jadwal ujian yang ditentukan
- Login menggunakan nomor ujian yang tertera di kartu ujian.
- Membaca tata tertib ujian
- Menuliskan kode ujian yang ada di halaman ujian pada selembar kertas dan menempelkannya di baju. kode ujian berbeda dengan nomor ujian.
- Peserta mengizinkan akses (allow access) kamera pada browser dan memeriksa kesesuaian status rekaman (camera feed) yang muncul di sebelah kiri halaman ujian. Wajah dan kode ujian yang ditempel pada baju terlihat pada rekaman (camera feed).
- Peserta mengklik Checkbox pernyataan agar dapat memulai ujian
- Peserta mengerjakan ujian sesuai waktu pelaksaan.
- Peserta hanya dapat mengikuti jian selama waktu ujian berlangsung, tidak ada penambahan waktu bagi peserta yang terlambat atau yang mengalami gangguan koneksi intenet dan gangguan teknis lainnya
- Dalam mengerjakan ujian kecuali Bahasa Inggris, setiap jawaban yang salah akan mengakibatkan pengurangan nilai (penilaian: benar-4, kosong 0, salah-1).
- Pastikan koneksi internet baik, SIMAK UI tidak bertanggung jawab atas permasalahan yang disebabkan gangguan koneksi internet peserta atau gangguan teknis lainnya.
- Biaya pendaftaran yang sudah dibyarkan tidak dapat dikembalikan dengan alasan apapun termasuk dengan alasan tidak dapat mengikuti ujian.
Baca juga: TPA Pascasarjana UI
Selama Ujian Diperkenankan untuk:
- Menggunakan kertas coret
- Menyediakan perangkat cadangan
- Menggunakan perangkat cadangan jika terjadi masalah pada perangkat utama, tutup laman pada perangkat utama sebelum membuka lama di perangkat baru.
Tidak Diperkenankan untuk:
- Berbicara dengan orang lain
- Digantikan atau menggantikan orang lain
- Menggunakan catatan, melihat buku, mencari jawaban di internet atau dibantu ataupun diwakilkan
- Meninggalkan perangkat ujian dan pergi ke tempat lain
- Berpindah dari halaman ujian dan mengakses aplikasi lain
- Menggunakan alat bantu seperti kalkulator
- Hilang dari pantauan kamera
- Mengambil gambar halaman ujian, menyalin, atau menyebarkan soal ujian.
Pembatalan Hasil Seleksi Panitia seleksi UI dapat membatalkan hasil seleksi peserta jika terindikasi melakukan kecurangan atau hal-hal yang tidak diperkenankan selama ujian.
Contoh Tes Bahasa Inggris simak UI
- “I would rather have graduated from the University of New York last year.” The sentence means that I ______ from the University of New York last year.
A. wouldn’t graduate
B. won’t graduate
C. don’t graduate
D. didn’t graduate
E. haven’t graduated
Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often become sluggish and their mental concentration becomes limited. Because of undersea pressure which affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations by means of instruments which are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water.
Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep?diving submarines. Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of thousand feet. Radio?equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land?based laboratories.
- Which of the following statements is the most suitable concluding sentence of the paragraph?
A. In short, the technology in undersea exploration should be improved.
B. Therefore, divers should avoid undersea pressure to be able to communicate.
C. In fact, deep-diving submarines are the best means for oceanographers to conduct undersea exploration.
D. To conclude, the radios divers use to communicate that makes undersea exploration successful.
E. Thus, successful communication in the exploration of the ocean greatly depends on the divers and vehicles.
Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child. It does not progress at the same rate and each stage is aff ected by the preceding types of development.
Because these developmental changes may be strongly inl uenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child development. Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. It may also occur as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment.
- Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?
A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
C. Sentence 4
D. Sentence 5
E. Sentence 6
- The following paragraph most likely discusses … .
A. what genetic factors aff ect child development
B. each developmental stage
C. how children adjust to their environment
D. emotional changes that might occur in a child
E. stages in child development
As we’ve all experienced, we’re simply not as adept at anything in our lives if we don’t sleep well. Cognitive skills and motor abilities if there is short-term or long-term dei cit of proper sleep. Just like the rest of us, athletes see a drop in their performance across all sorts of measurements when they are kept awake for the entire night, or even interrupted in their sleep. It seems like certain kinds of athletic task are more are more aff ected by sleep deprivation. Although one of eff orts and high-intensity exercise see an impact, sustained eff orts and aerobic work seem to suffer.
Gross motor skills are relatively unaff ected, while athletes in events requiring fast reaction times have a particularly hard time when they get less sleep. In a recent day, a group of basketball players volunteered to wear motion-sensing wristbands to determine how long they slept on average. For two week, the group kept to their normal schedules, while researchers measured their performances on sprint drills, free throws, and three-point shooting. The results of the study show that. Such performance enhancement is the son of gain that one associates with drugs or years of training and not suffi cient sleep.
- The sentence “For us humans, sleep is completely crucial to proper functioning,” should be ….
A. the i rst sentence of paragraph 1
B. the i rst sentence of paragraph 4
C. the i rst sentence of paragraph 3
D. the last sentence of paragraph 2
E. the last sentence of paragraph 4
- The italic phrase in the third paragraph means … .
A. continued
B. remained
C. stayed
D. alternated
E. customized
- “Had there been good teaching facilities in the school, every teacher would have been able to teach their students effectively.” From the sentence above, we can conclude that________.
A. Teaching and learning will be effective.
B. The quality of teaching was good.
C. There was no difference in the teaching method.
D. The teachers taught the students effectively.
E. There were no good teaching facilities in the school.
- Plastic bags are often thought of as free, no-brainer solutions to carry your groceries or to use as trash can liners. However, research has shown that as a consequence of carefree usage of plastic bags, millions of tons of plastic particles ___ in our seas each year.
A. accumulate
B. accumulator
C. accumulation
D. accumulating
E. accumulative
- ln an X-ray, bones appear white ____soft tissue shows up in shades of grey.
A. because
B. inspite of
C. so that
D. whereas
10. The world,soil reserves,______ by modern nations, are dwindling at a fast rate.
A. utilization of the major energy source herbicides
B. to utilize the major source of energy
C. the major source of energy utilized
D. utilization as a major source of energy
Demikian informasi dan contoh soal yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga teman – teman yang berminat dapat mengikuti seleksi dengan baik dan lulus. Yuk, bersiap dari sekarang untuk daftar dan bersaing dengan calon siswa dari seluruh nusantara dengan cara ikut Bimbel bersama Bimbel Sukses TPA. Segera gabung sekarang juga!